Hearing from God

Posted on: March 5th, 2014 by Florli Nemeth No Comments

I just discovered a book on the prophetic written by Jim Wies entitled, “His Glorious House:  A Blueprint for the 21st Century Church“.

Jim’s observations regarding the manner of perceiving God’s thoughts stood out to me, and I quote:   “Some SEE, others HEAR, while others FEEL.  Scripture speaks of a spiritual aroma and that we can taste and see that the Lord is good (2 Cor. 2:15,16/Psalm 34:8).”

I am encouraged by this to pursue the prophetic more passionately and with greater understanding of the differences in how we hear from God, not patterning ourselves after others, but opening our hearts to hear God’s voice in the way  WE most clearly and commonly discern His voice.

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