House Of Judah Cornerstones Of Christian Truth
Manuals 1-5
Manuals 1-5
Manuals 6-10
Manuals 11-15
Manuals 16-20
Manuals 21-25
Manuals 26-30
About House of Judah
1) Cornerstones Of Christianity
2) What Every Christian Should Know
3) Secrets Of Successful Living
4) Following On To Know the Lord
5) From Strength To Strength
Just as a house grows straight and strong from a well- placed base, so too our Christian faith must begin with sure cornerstones. Pastor Nemeth provides these cornerstones in his first manual. He links the cornerstone of John 3:16 with principles for this life and the life beyond. Each support stone is checked and plumbed against scripture to ensure its accuracy and integrity. The pillars defined in this guidebook provide a framework for a solid foundation and a balanced structure.
Cornerstones Of Christianity
1 TheGreatest Verse In The Bible 1
2 Can I be Sure 7
3 Formula For Adequacy 14
4 Monday Morning Parable 21
5 God's Plan For Your Life 27
6 Life's True Values 33
7 How To Face A Crisis 39
8 When A Christian Dies 47
9 Some Day We Will Understand 54
10 The Journey Of Life 60
Cornerstones Of Christianity Student Manual
Cornerstones Of Christianity  Teacher Manual
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Pastor Nemeth continues his Lecture Series with an outline of the fundamentals of the Faith. These keys provide a solid foundation for Christian Life and Christian growth. This manual deals with topics such as the Authority of the Bible, Assurance of Salvation, and the Power of Prayer, and culminates with practical application in the lesson on "The Kind of People We Ought To Be". A must for new converts and first year Bible students.
What Every Christian Should Know
1 The Bible: God's Miracle Book 1
2 The Meaning And Method Of God's Salvation 6
3 The Guarantee Of God's Keeping Power 14
4 Some Things That God Puts First 20
5 The Power Of Prevailing Prayer 27
6 Knowing And Doing The Will Of God 35
7 How To Enjoy The Bible 41
8 The Real Meaning Of Christian Fellowship 48
9 God's Plan For The World Evangelization 54
10 The Kind Of People We Ought To Be 61
Cornerstones Of Christianity Student Manual
Cornerstones Of Christianity  Teacher Manual
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The third manual builds on foundations by providing a plumbline to ensure that the Christian Life is a successful one. Outlined secrets include Finding God's Plan For Our Lives, What to Do When Trouble Comes and how to live Life On The Highest Plane.
Secrets Of Successful Living
1 How To Find The True God 1
2 The Benefits Of Knowing God 6
3 Making It Our Ambition To Please Him 15
4 Finding God's Plan For Our Lives 23
5 How To Experience Perfect Peace 32
6 The Secret Of Abiding Joy 38
7 What To Do When Trouble Comes 45
8 Being Concerned For Others 54
9 Our Best For The Lord 60
10 Life On The Highest Plane 66
Cornerstones Of Christianity Student Manual
Cornerstones Of Christianity  Teacher Manual
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To know Him is to love Him; to love Him is to obey Him. This series of lectures helps move us from a place of theory and knowledge to a point of understanding and doing. Practical areas are considered like joining a church lessons in stewardship and winning the lost. Christians are encouraged to start looking out once they have gained some inward stability.
Following On To Know The Lord
1 Being Sure Of One's Salvation 1
2 Confessing The Lord Before Others 10
3 Every Christian's Greatest Need 18
4 The Kind Of Church To Join 26
5 The Supreme Importance Of Prayer 36
6 The Wonder Of God's Guidance 45
7 A Lesson In Stewardship 53
8 Winning The Lost To The Saviour 61
9 Getting The Missionary Vision 69
10 Triumphing In Trouble 76
Cornerstones Of Christianity Student Manual
Cornerstones Of Christianity  Teacher Manual
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With pillars and foundations set, this manual lays line upon line, from strength to strength. The series covers topics such as overcoming worry, the marks of Jesus, and Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
From Strength To Stength
1 The Secret Of The Blessed Life 1
2 Belonging To The King Of Kings 7
3 Doing Whatever He Says 15
4 The Wonder Of The Word 20
5 Why, When, And How To Pray 26
6 The Conquest Of Worry 32
7 The Marks Of The Lord Jesus 38
8 What Went Wrong? 44
9 Filled With The Holy Spirit 53
10 Giving Him The Foremost Place 60
Cornerstones Of Christianity Student Manual
Cornerstones Of Christianity  Teacher Manual
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